Introduction and Definition

Assalammualaikum w.b.t and I welcome you all to my blog. I’m Nur Nabil Fikri Bin Abdullah from semester 5 DEC( DIPLOMA IN ENGLISH COMMUNICATION) have been given a task to make a blog with a theme of uniqueness. As for that, I have chosen to write a blog which is about “Sumo” the Japanese style of wrestling and Japan’s national sport. The reason I choose this sport is because we all know that Sumo is known throughout the world as one of the most unique and exciting martial art sport that still existed. 

For my first entry, I will write the introduction and the meaning of Sumo that I quite fond of with this kind of sport. Sumo is a Japanese form of heavyweight wrestling sport where a wrestler or rikishi attempts to win by forcing another wrestler outside a marked circle or by making their opponents touch the ground with any part of their body except the soles of their feet. In addition, it is a match between two large men facing off in a circular ring (dohyo). The man who can force the other out of the circle is the winner and making his opponent touch the ground with anything other than the bottom of his feet is the winner. The sport originated in Japan, the country that created sumo wrestling and  the only country where it is practiced professionally and generally considered to be a modern Japanese martial art (gendai budo). Also the sport has its own history that spanning many centuries and until today many traditions have been preserved in sumo that includes many ritual elements such as the use of salt purification. This come from the days when sumo was practiced as part of Japan’s Shinto religion. Furthermore, life as a sumo wrestler is highly regimented that is ruled by the Sumo Association’s laws and most of the wrestlers are required to live and respect in communal (sumo straining tables) known as “heya” with their fellow fighters where all aspects of their daily lives from meals and clothing are controlled by the strict tradition of the sport. I think this is all for now, for my next entry I will begin to write the origins and other things that related to Sumo. I hope this blog will help your understanding and expand your knowledge by reading my blog. Thank you and Assalammualaikum.

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