A Day In The Life Of Sumo Wrestler

For this entry, I will provide a daily life of a sumo wrestler and the training they have been doing every day. A sumo wrestler leads a highly regimented way of life. The Sumo Association prescribes their behaviour in some detail like for example, the wrestler are banned from driving their own cars it is breaking the rules and can result in suspension. They also need to grow their hair long to form a topknot that similar to a samurai hairstyles from the Edo Period and they are expected to wear chonmage and traditional Japanese dress when in public. Furthermore, the junior wrestlers must be the first one to get up early around 5 a.m. for training whereas the sekitori wrestlers may start around 7 a.m. When the older wrestlers are training the junior may have chores to do such as assisting in cooking , cleaning and preparing a bath. Wrestlers are not normally allowed to eat breakfast and expected to have a short nap early in the afternoon after a large lunch and the common type of lunch for them is the meal of chankonabe which consists of a simmering stew cooked at table that contains various fish, meat and vegetables.

 The reason they don’t having breakfast is because when they eating a large lunch and taken a nap is intended to help them to put on weight so they can compete more effectively. The older wrestler are also given their own room in the stable or may live in their own apartments while in contrast, the junior sleep in communal dormitories. The world of sumo are very difficult as the junior wrestlers must serve and the sekitori or older wrestlers are served with respect and comfortable. Life is hard for junior wrestlers as the differences between them are very rough. Moreover, their health are not quite positive as the negative effects of their lifestyle will appeared later in life, Their life expectancy are between 60 and 65 more than 10 years shorten than the average of Japanese men. This is due of diabetes, high blood pressure and the stress on their joints can cause arthritis. It is hard to become a sumo wrestlers and that’s why Japanese citizens always look up to them.

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